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Analyzers of lead-acid storage batteries «Mega» series


The Express-estimation of a condition of the lead-acid chemical power sources.

The Analyzer allows to estimate of the power characteristics of the battery during 5–15 seconds without carrying out of long control electric tests.


«MEGA 001» or power sources of 12V
«MEGA 002» or power sources of 6, 12, 24V
«MEGA 003» for power sources with voltage from 2 up to 24V


  • Quality control of the batteries
  • Fast rejection of faulty batteries
  • Control of power electric circuits
  • Monitoring of the batteries
  • Selection of cells for the battery

Additional service functions

  • Recording of 10–200 measurements into non-volatile memory depending on the analyzer model.
  • Port USB, infra-red, 485 for connection to PC and saving of the report *
  • The Opportunity of direct printing of results (the built portable printer) *
  • Authorization of the report of measurements (statement of a digital signature) *
  • Monitoring of a condition the chemical power sources in operation *

* in the development

Basic characteristics

Feeding from the tested battery with the voltage, V 5,5…30
If the tested battery voltage is less 5,5V feeding from a built element, V (only «MEGA 003») 9
Consumed current from the battery in the test mode, mA, no more 60
Consumed current in the indication mode, mA 8
The range of a measured voltage, V
MEGA 001 8,0…16
MEGA 002 5,5…30
MEGA 003 1,75…30
The relative resulted error of measurement of voltage, % ± 1,0
The range of measurement of an ohmic component of internal resistance, mOm 0,5…300
The relative resulted error of measurement of an ohmic component of internal resistance, but not less than the price of the younger category, % ± 5,0
The range of predicted capacities, Ah 0,8…250
The range of measured currents of scrolling, A 1…2000
The price of the younger category at the indication of resistance:
in a range up to 30 mOm, mOm 0,01
in a range 30 … 300 mOm, mOm 0,1
The relative resulted error of measurement of scrolling currents, % ± 10
The relative resulted error of the forecast of capacity, % ± 10,0
The range of measured temperatures, °C −30…+50
The relative resulted error of measurement of temperature, % ± 2,0
Time of measurement (depending on the battery) up to, sec 30
The test signal of an alternating current, mA 60
The discharge of the batteties for one measurement, no more, mAh 0,25
Dimensions (length, height, width), mm 208×45×108
Weight, g 600
The voltage of the tested battery should not exceed, V 30

Contact us

4-B, liter «A», 17 line, Vasilievsky Ostrov, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia
Phone/Fax +7 (812) 327-5778
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